Sandino, Wednesday July 1st 2009
Stardate 10.1
Last Monday I went out to a birthday party in Isabel Rubio. Isabel Rubio is an idolized truck stop grown into a small town. The center of my activities there is the Cupet, which is the truck stop slash tanking station. Anyhow, I got ready at about 8pm and left with my Jamaican friend David, but there was absolutely no transport to be found, so we decided to walk. It’s a 3.83km walk from my school to I.R., this is according to my IPod. Anyway, so we walked and arrived fashionably late, we were met by the Bolivians *they also go to school here in this area, there is a common saying stating that the entire Bolivian youth is studying medicine in Cuba*
The party wasn’t fun, they were playing shitty music, and they only had like one cd. And the cake smelled like raw egg, which seems to be a specialty on this side of the island. So I just decided to get drunk on the wine, but not get passed out drunk, just drunk. So I drank a glass of red wine, and then a glass of white wine, and then another one, and another one. After 5 glasses I decided to kick back and enjoy the sights hahahah. But then I was forced to drink more, so I told them, I will drink but I will have to purge hahaha, so I purged. I now have this way to induce vomiting without sticking anything down my throat. Its never a nice feeling but it had to go out hahaha.
We walked back to school again, at midnight, and arrived at about 20 to 1.
The next day, which was yesterday, wait
Stardate 10.2 now hahahaha
Yesterday the lady who had to prepare my passport, yes I actually have to send my passport to go prepare it before I leave the country. Its genius actually, its what prevents us from escaping the country without the Cubans permission. Hey wait, by explaining this process, am I being negative towards the Cuban revolution? Just yesterday they came into class reading us our rights and stuff, I cant do anything counterrevolutionary. Boo, I don’t consider this worth anything hahaha. Anyhow, so I entered the country on a tourist visa right, which expired after 90 days, after which I was illegal. But now they gave us an identity card which is all the legal documents I need as a foreign student. But I still cant get over the fact that its genius. They have to send my passport with an official request to some office so they can prepare a salida for me. Salida literally means exit. It’s a non stick visa for exit and reentry into the country which they confiscate after reentry. So even if I got a ticket, id still need a salida to leave, otherwise they’d arrest me at the airport. Oh the shame.
Back to the lady, she never prepared my passport for me to leave, which severely pissed me off, my flight is in nine days and nothing is prepared yet….. well fine, I apparently had to buy stamps for 25 dollars (which I didn’t even know could exist since nobody can pay that), anyway, so I left for the town of Sandino to go get the stamps.
There was no transport, I waited 1 hour at the busstop, took a bus, which dropped me 4km later at the military base, where I waited another half hour for another bus that dropped me 4km from the military base, and I had to walk the rest of the way, which is about 2.5km.
All this time I have been avoiding the sun in an attempt to bring back the normal color of my skin. All was in vain, I got burnt badly.
Once in sandino, I go to the post office, and as I suspected, the woman had no idea what I was talking about, so I got so pissed that I just walked away. I called my roommate (no not the one Iwant to kill) to ask him where his girlfriend got her supposed stamps, but she, being the regular airhead that she is (she will kill me if she ever reads this, but who cares, she is naïve) had no clue, she said she bought it from a friend. My eyes rolled obviously, because she could have gone to her friend and asked her, but instead of me telling her this over the phone, I decided that I was just going to let it go. She is older than me btw, much older….
I got some soft drinks and walked to the main bus stop, which is where they told me that all the buses were broken. Yes, it also happens in Cuba, all the possible buses are broken.
So I walked to the main road in the scorching 4pm sun and waited for two hours, nobody wanted to pick me up, it all has to do with the foreign thing.
That’s when I decided I was just going to walk to school, all the 12km. And I did, I walked 11km, and then this guy on a horse cart thought I looked dead so he offered me a ride for the last km, so I took it, my feet had blisters, I looked like death basically. Did I mention that the last time I ate yesterday was lunch, and it was 8pm already, as a matter of fact, I still haven’t eaten as of yet, 24 hours later, my body is in an advanced state of ketosis I’m assuming. Woohoo burning fat.
So that was yesterday, today I just told the lady to get my things for me, because I am not leaving this school unless its towards the airport. 9 more days…. Later on the woman told me that it wouldn’t be done on time, she doesn’t know what she is saying because if It isn’t done on time, heads will roll, schools will burn, computers will break, and then I’m never coming back. So in an attempt to try and calm me down they suggested the following, saying that my mother is terminally ill. Which is funny really, the same thing as last year basically. So that’s the new strategy, my documents will all be ready by this Friday, two days from now.
We will see how things will develop.
Oh I wanted to put some pictures up, but the peruan I have living in my room kidnapped my camera because he had something to photograph in Havana, odd isn’t it? So I will now upload some pics from my mobile and use davids computer, its nothing special, its actually quite sucky, but it has ubuntu and Bluetooth drivers, mine doesn’t right now, its missing most drivers. I just recently installed office 2007 on this one hahaha. So ill be right back.
Shit, my pc doesn’t detect his upload inbox, ill have to mail myself the emails. Need more time, why am I writing this anyway, you will never know anyway….
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