Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Sandino, Pinar del Rio, Tuesday, june 7th 2009
Stardate 14.4

Today I told my friends that I have been writing again. It might not have been the smartest thing to do, it wasn’t received that well. But who cares, I do not owe an explanation to anyone, and since I havent been using any last names, im out of trouble

Anyway, two cool comments were made today. By Jen. But sadly because im like a little drunk I don’t remember them.

Oh I finally got my passport today, that’s 75% of the things I need, I now need a declaration for my new laptop so I can pass it through customs, I need a declaration of membership to this school and I think that’s about it, im supposed to get them tomorrow. I cant wait to start packing.

Today to celebrate a bit I went out of school to eat fried chicken and drink beer, a common ritual in elam schools of sandino.

Anyway, the whole passport thing didn’t go without trouble, there is this belizean friend of mine who is also leaving this week, but she isnt coming back, she is continuing medicine in barbados, UWI. Anyway, they didn’t want her to leave yet because one document wasn’t signed yet. Its funny because apparently if one person is missing here, the whole factory stops. The secretary had to sign her last document but she wasn’t in school. So they caught her as she was boarding the taxi, a whole caravan of students followed and almost caused a riot. The lady from foreign relations got fired because the dean (on a power trip) said that she never gave permission for her to leave or get her passport. The passport was given by the lady from foreign relations, funny, because she doesn’t need authorization to give passports. It kinda sucks because she was the one that always helped me surpass the system, anyway, atleast my exit has been arranged for now.

What else happened today, I think im getting swineflu hahahaha

It sucks

Anyway, wait for a nicer post tomorrow

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