Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Diarrea squared

Sandino, Pinar del Rio, July 6th 2009
Stardate 14.3

Yes, It happened to me again, the second time in one week. This time due to guilt.

I didn’t feel like going down to eat, so I asked a roommate of mine *I have 8 of them, some of them I don’t like, some of them I do* to go to Isabel rubio to get me some chicken. He went and brought me some, but I had completely forgotten about this. I went into the room at about 1 in the morning and I saw the Tupperware filled with food, I knew it was probably spoilt, but I ate it anyway, because it was chicken. I woke up this morning thinking nothing was going to happen because it didn’t feel strange. I was wrong, right after lunch it hit me. It was a very gassy one. One that causes crippling pain. I took another muscle relaxer and the pain went. But I still feel it inside of me, bubbling.

Oh yeah, and my documents ARE STILL NOT READY. I will kill them tomorrow. I really will, im not kidding, my next entry will tell you all which fucker I killed first.

Oh I am totally in love with star trek again after having seen the movie. I think Zachary Quinto is hot. Not THAT hot but his eyebrows, not the one in the movie, his real ones, just warm me up. Oh and I want to get my hands on 7 seasons of star trek voyager.

Helpful tips:

Don’t eat spoilt food twice in one week and vote to revive stargate atlantis.

1 comment:

Yordan Almenares said...

Si, que malo que StarGate Atlantis se termino, pero dicen que van a poner otra serie de StartGate. Yo pude ver StarGate SG1 aqui en Suriname, pero son 10 temporadas.