Friday, July 31, 2009

Isolation day 3

Sandino, Pinar del Rio Wednesday, july 22nd 2009

Stardate 41

Last night I felt like jogging so I put on my new pumas and went jogging, I ofcourse installed my new sports kit.
At about 130 calories, I seemed to have slipped and cascaded down to a very shameful end. I fell and very much sprained my ankle. I couldn’t walk. Now, about 24 hours later the pain seems to have gone and my walking skills are back. Its due to the high doses of ibuprofen I have been taking.
On a side note, today has been very unproductive. I havent studied. I should. I have three weeks of missed classes to pick up on. And a final exam to study for. 
Today W called on the phone. I don’t know how I feel now but when he called I was happy and excited to hear from him again. He seems different. He makes me feel different, but im not letting him in. not yet. Its is way too early. Maybe its all due to the fact that I am all alone in this huge javascript:void(0)building. 
Jesus also called today, he is working on some commercial gig in the city of pinar. Oh and my bag, the one I forgot in the taxi, has been brought to W’s family. I have to go get it someday. Which reminds me. I have to get him a gift for his birthday. I am now not sure if its on the 4th or some other day of august. Let me see if I own chat logs.
I realized that we had chatted much more than I can remember. I have been reading for hours and I still haven't come across anything specific.

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