Sandino, Pinar del Rio. 28th of July 2009
Stardate 49
I have almost reached the end of my incarceration. I guess I am happy that I am not showing any symptoms of the swine flu.
I am still convinced that it’s a big hoax.
Every flu season kills people. I think this is just another way for the man to make some money off of us. There are two ways for multinationals to make money, war and disease.
I am not paranoid, it just doesn’t make any sense. To be honest with you, I am sure that I actually did have the swine flu before I left cuba. I came down with this HUGE cold, sniffles, sneezing, red eyes, everything except a major fever. Ok maybe I didn’t have it now that I think about it. But according to what ive read it only kills people above 60 or under 5, those with weaker immune systems basically.
Anyway, I have been here for 9 days. It seems like an eternity.
I just woke up. I havent written an entry for yesterday. Well basically I woke up J, Josh and David and they left at around 8 in the morning. As I woke up to the banging on the door, I walked towards it. It was the regular morning shift bringing breakfast. But as I was still sleeping and walking at the same time, my perception was a bit off, and I leaned against the open door. In one swift move I almost ripped off my left piercing as I turned around. It hooked on the door. IT was painful. It started to bleed and I started to cry.
I have stabilized the wound, It doesn’t seem to be very damaged, I will check out the extent of the wounds as I wash away the coagulated blood later today.
Its fine really. I hope. I don’t want to lose a nipple.
That was all yesterday. I also studied. Nude.
Somehow, being nude clears your mind. I had a new understanding of life. Or so it seemed. I studied pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Also the rest of the characteristics of blood. Concentrations of eritrocytes and leucocites.
Anyway, that was yesterday. I just woke up and decided that it was time to write again. It is now 11.31 am, I am listening to oldies. A womans worth by Alicia Keys.
About to shower and see what the day brings. Expect an update.
The only thoughts in my mind are about what I am going to wear when I get back to school. I have to make like an impression and shit.
I still havent uploaded the pictures. I will definitely do it today.
I think im less fat again. Not where I was, but definitely getting there.
Health tip for the day
Icterus is the medical term for jaundice, and it is in every way, a bitch.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Isolation day 6 and 7, don’t know what happened to 5
Stardate 47
When spending so much time in solitary one loses track of time. I have no idea what I have been up to the last couple of days. I have been entrenched in the likings of Star Trek Voyager and Fringe. I hate it that I don’t have all episodes, Fringe ends at episode 1.14 The Ability, which is total crap because Walter discovers that he himself wrote ZFT. Ok you need to watch that series, its like Xfiles-on-triple-adrenaline-gone-2009. One of these missing days I got out money for J and C, I borrowed money from them before I went back to Suriname because I was flat broke. So now that’s done.
The coolest thing happened today. I got a call from J, she came to visit me along with Josh and David. As you might have noticed, I refer to her as J because she had expressed a problem with her name being on my website bla bla. Anyway, theyre still here hahaha, there is no transport back. So I guess im getting drunk with all of them with my bottle of Black Cat. Surinamese rum.
There is however a small complication, they might have to stay here for 10 days for having come to visit me, but technically it doesn’t seem like that big of a problem because its day 7 and I still havent shown any of the symptoms, so I am swine flu free.
Today I called cuban W. He wasn’t in his house in Camaguey. Stupid. I felt stupid and needy, but what the hell am I to do. Oh well, it doesn’t matter really, he will call me back when he gets the message. He is probably screwing someone else with that 9inch dagger.
What else is new. I took a huge crap. It was also today that I realized that britney has converted herself into a has been. And Lady GaGa took in her place. Man, that’s how you realize that youre getting older, britney was my generation.
Medical tip for the day. Take vitamin C. Its really important. Trust me.
When spending so much time in solitary one loses track of time. I have no idea what I have been up to the last couple of days. I have been entrenched in the likings of Star Trek Voyager and Fringe. I hate it that I don’t have all episodes, Fringe ends at episode 1.14 The Ability, which is total crap because Walter discovers that he himself wrote ZFT. Ok you need to watch that series, its like Xfiles-on-triple-adrenaline-gone-2009. One of these missing days I got out money for J and C, I borrowed money from them before I went back to Suriname because I was flat broke. So now that’s done.
The coolest thing happened today. I got a call from J, she came to visit me along with Josh and David. As you might have noticed, I refer to her as J because she had expressed a problem with her name being on my website bla bla. Anyway, theyre still here hahaha, there is no transport back. So I guess im getting drunk with all of them with my bottle of Black Cat. Surinamese rum.
There is however a small complication, they might have to stay here for 10 days for having come to visit me, but technically it doesn’t seem like that big of a problem because its day 7 and I still havent shown any of the symptoms, so I am swine flu free.
Today I called cuban W. He wasn’t in his house in Camaguey. Stupid. I felt stupid and needy, but what the hell am I to do. Oh well, it doesn’t matter really, he will call me back when he gets the message. He is probably screwing someone else with that 9inch dagger.
What else is new. I took a huge crap. It was also today that I realized that britney has converted herself into a has been. And Lady GaGa took in her place. Man, that’s how you realize that youre getting older, britney was my generation.
Medical tip for the day. Take vitamin C. Its really important. Trust me.
Isolation day 4
Stardate 42
Today I studied. Immune system. Its not complicated perse but it’s a lot of different details to remember. Cd4 Cd8, the whole nine yards. I also slept, and soon I am about to do abdominals and chest muscles. I cant run, My ankle is still sprained. My nipples are healing and I am pretty sure they will be fine. My mother also called and she seems calm, I am happy about that. Did I mention that on the day after my birthday I drunk called my malaysian ex because for the first time in 4 years he hadnt called me on my birthday. Turns out he did but he called my cuban number, and since he didn’t know I was in Suriname at the time, that caused some confusion. Aside from that, he still hasn’t called me on my cuban number, which he said he would, he must have forgotten. That’s ancient history I guess. Somethings I just have to realize hahaha. W hasn’t called for today. Is he going to? Why do I even care? Hahahah, Its funny how some things can actually keep you occupied for a while. Today I am going to upload the pictures on my PC, see if theyre cool or not. F out.
Today I studied. Immune system. Its not complicated perse but it’s a lot of different details to remember. Cd4 Cd8, the whole nine yards. I also slept, and soon I am about to do abdominals and chest muscles. I cant run, My ankle is still sprained. My nipples are healing and I am pretty sure they will be fine. My mother also called and she seems calm, I am happy about that. Did I mention that on the day after my birthday I drunk called my malaysian ex because for the first time in 4 years he hadnt called me on my birthday. Turns out he did but he called my cuban number, and since he didn’t know I was in Suriname at the time, that caused some confusion. Aside from that, he still hasn’t called me on my cuban number, which he said he would, he must have forgotten. That’s ancient history I guess. Somethings I just have to realize hahaha. W hasn’t called for today. Is he going to? Why do I even care? Hahahah, Its funny how some things can actually keep you occupied for a while. Today I am going to upload the pictures on my PC, see if theyre cool or not. F out.
Isolation day 3
Sandino, Pinar del Rio Wednesday, july 22nd 2009
Stardate 41
Last night I felt like jogging so I put on my new pumas and went jogging, I ofcourse installed my new sports kit. At about 130 calories, I seemed to have slipped and cascaded down to a very shameful end. I fell and very much sprained my ankle. I couldn’t walk. Now, about 24 hours later the pain seems to have gone and my walking skills are back. Its due to the high doses of ibuprofen I have been taking. On a side note, today has been very unproductive. I havent studied. I should. I have three weeks of missed classes to pick up on. And a final exam to study for. Today W called on the phone. I don’t know how I feel now but when he called I was happy and excited to hear from him again. He seems different. He makes me feel different, but im not letting him in. not yet. Its is way too early. Maybe its all due to the fact that I am all alone in this huge javascript:void(0)building. Jesus also called today, he is working on some commercial gig in the city of pinar. Oh and my bag, the one I forgot in the taxi, has been brought to W’s family. I have to go get it someday. Which reminds me. I have to get him a gift for his birthday. I am now not sure if its on the 4th or some other day of august. Let me see if I own chat logs. I realized that we had chatted much more than I can remember. I have been reading for hours and I still haven't come across anything specific.
Stardate 41
Last night I felt like jogging so I put on my new pumas and went jogging, I ofcourse installed my new sports kit. At about 130 calories, I seemed to have slipped and cascaded down to a very shameful end. I fell and very much sprained my ankle. I couldn’t walk. Now, about 24 hours later the pain seems to have gone and my walking skills are back. Its due to the high doses of ibuprofen I have been taking. On a side note, today has been very unproductive. I havent studied. I should. I have three weeks of missed classes to pick up on. And a final exam to study for. Today W called on the phone. I don’t know how I feel now but when he called I was happy and excited to hear from him again. He seems different. He makes me feel different, but im not letting him in. not yet. Its is way too early. Maybe its all due to the fact that I am all alone in this huge javascript:void(0)building. Jesus also called today, he is working on some commercial gig in the city of pinar. Oh and my bag, the one I forgot in the taxi, has been brought to W’s family. I have to go get it someday. Which reminds me. I have to get him a gift for his birthday. I am now not sure if its on the 4th or some other day of august. Let me see if I own chat logs. I realized that we had chatted much more than I can remember. I have been reading for hours and I still haven't come across anything specific.
Isolation log 1
This is day 2 of isolation here at ELAM 11. Its normally a hub for the rest of the schools, every Saturday they have church services and whatnot. Its also the location of a minimart and an el rapido, which are all closed right now due to the nature of the facility at the moment.
Cuba istaking the whole swine flu tjing seriously, every medstudent coming back from abroad will be isolated for 10 days in their centre. My centre is the centre of sandino containing 12 medical schools. I just came back so they told me to come here.
I arrived last night. Oh yeah, let me tell you a story. My friends were supposed to pick me up at the airport when I arrived early Monday morning. I told them not to pick me up then, but to pick me up at 2pm at the bus terminal in Havana. Funny thing was, that I had other plans. I met this Cuban on badoo I think, which is by far the most interesting place to meet people. And he is a vet and licensed pharmacist in Spain. He was coming to Cuba last Friday, and he had offered to pick me up at the airport. Funny, I didn’t even know the guy and I was changing my important schedule for him? Well let’s just say I might have taken into account my fascination about a certain 22cm part of his body. It’s hilarious really, I normally am afraid of those big things, but man was I wrong. He picked me up at the airport, I had my doubts though, but he showed up. He is a cool guy, funny, flirtatious and he knows what he wants. And he wants me to have something serious with him. Granted, I don’t mind but I need time to get to know him better, and he understands or something. Either way, we went to his family’s place in some part of Havana where I’ve never been before. He commanded his cousin to warm up some chicken and beans for me, which was fabulous. I showered and entered the room where we started kissing. Man he knows how to use that tongue of his. He is a mulatto, just as tall as me, a bit on the thick side but who cares :P
So we had sex for most of the night, I passed out, so did he, and then at 4 in the morning we were at it again, but the condoms ran out. And yeah, im not a BB kind of guy so I said no. he got pissed and I told him to let it go. I woke up at around twelve, showered and ate. He gave me my birthday gift, CK eternity for men, which was nice. And then it was almost two again, so I had to leave, the taxi was already coming, but then I had to kiss his discostick, which obviously didn’t stay with a kiss, so there I am trying not to gag and the taxi starts honking the horn hahaha, but I had to finish.
we took down all the bags and left for the terminal. Upon exiting the taxi I remember W asking me if I had everything, I said yes, the taxi driver asked me again and I said yes. Little did I know, with my airhead, that I left my goodiebag in there. The gifts I had bought in the duty free zone in POS and in Panama. 5 sets of headphones, Bacardi razz and Wrapped with Love by Hilary duff, for J, since she is so in love with her.
I met my friends at the terminal, but it didn’t stop there, I had to carry this pack of money and documents to a Cuban who is going to work for RPBG, this Surinamese company where my sort of stepmom works. He was a no show and I still hadn’t recharged my cubacel sim, so I sent my friends to go and finish their things, they needed to pay airfare to go home at some booking agent, so they left and on the way bought me my credit. I stayed at the terminal with W to see if the Cuban would show up. He eventually did, and he was so happy, it was his golden ticket out of Cuban jail. Hahah, anyway, so my friends still hadn’t come back so W stayed with me. He is a sweet guy. Ugh but im not sure now. We will see how it turns out. Either way, my friends then came, I said goodbye to W, and then we headed back to school. I dropped my friends off in school, and I continued on to Julio Antonio Mella. Which is the official name for ELAM 11. It’s a similar building to my school, only its not a school like I explained earlier. It doubles as a hotel for family of the students living here in Sandino.
I am currently on the 4th floor. We just had a major thunderstorm, Ihave severe lumbar pain due to the discomfort of sitting on these shitty beds trying to watch Voyager, fringe, the fifth element and knight rider episode 1.15
I arrived last night at 9pm, they gave me two pieces of bread with luncheon meat and a pitcher of fake apple juice. I stayed awake until 4 in the morning. I woke up today after sleeping in my underwear, and I opened the door and saw this really cute guy who brought me bread with mayonnaise. I was happy and I think I had a hard on hahaha. Anyway, so then I went back to sleep, they brought me lunch as well, rice beans and chicken. I ate it in the bathroom. I still haven’t brushed my teeth yet, I left my toothpaste at home and the rest is in my real school.
Tomorrow they are reopening the cafeteria and the store so I will buy toothpaste then, until then im heavily chewing on trident white. I am tempted to eat the candy I have but I am starting vigorous exercise again today, I gained about 14 pounds in that one week back home.
so later today im running on the field they have, that is if they let me out of the building, doing my abs and my pushups, I hope my new piercings don’t cause any unnecessary pain or discomfort.
Lets see if I can attach some pixx….
Farid out. Man that was a lot of yapping, I hope it will be more flowing in tomorrows entry.
so until tonight, its 5.37pm already, ill be masturbating, watching movies and massaging my back.
I arrived last night. Oh yeah, let me tell you a story. My friends were supposed to pick me up at the airport when I arrived early Monday morning. I told them not to pick me up then, but to pick me up at 2pm at the bus terminal in Havana. Funny thing was, that I had other plans. I met this Cuban on badoo I think, which is by far the most interesting place to meet people. And he is a vet and licensed pharmacist in Spain. He was coming to Cuba last Friday, and he had offered to pick me up at the airport. Funny, I didn’t even know the guy and I was changing my important schedule for him? Well let’s just say I might have taken into account my fascination about a certain 22cm part of his body. It’s hilarious really, I normally am afraid of those big things, but man was I wrong. He picked me up at the airport, I had my doubts though, but he showed up. He is a cool guy, funny, flirtatious and he knows what he wants. And he wants me to have something serious with him. Granted, I don’t mind but I need time to get to know him better, and he understands or something. Either way, we went to his family’s place in some part of Havana where I’ve never been before. He commanded his cousin to warm up some chicken and beans for me, which was fabulous. I showered and entered the room where we started kissing. Man he knows how to use that tongue of his. He is a mulatto, just as tall as me, a bit on the thick side but who cares :P
So we had sex for most of the night, I passed out, so did he, and then at 4 in the morning we were at it again, but the condoms ran out. And yeah, im not a BB kind of guy so I said no. he got pissed and I told him to let it go. I woke up at around twelve, showered and ate. He gave me my birthday gift, CK eternity for men, which was nice. And then it was almost two again, so I had to leave, the taxi was already coming, but then I had to kiss his discostick, which obviously didn’t stay with a kiss, so there I am trying not to gag and the taxi starts honking the horn hahaha, but I had to finish.
we took down all the bags and left for the terminal. Upon exiting the taxi I remember W asking me if I had everything, I said yes, the taxi driver asked me again and I said yes. Little did I know, with my airhead, that I left my goodiebag in there. The gifts I had bought in the duty free zone in POS and in Panama. 5 sets of headphones, Bacardi razz and Wrapped with Love by Hilary duff, for J, since she is so in love with her.
I met my friends at the terminal, but it didn’t stop there, I had to carry this pack of money and documents to a Cuban who is going to work for RPBG, this Surinamese company where my sort of stepmom works. He was a no show and I still hadn’t recharged my cubacel sim, so I sent my friends to go and finish their things, they needed to pay airfare to go home at some booking agent, so they left and on the way bought me my credit. I stayed at the terminal with W to see if the Cuban would show up. He eventually did, and he was so happy, it was his golden ticket out of Cuban jail. Hahah, anyway, so my friends still hadn’t come back so W stayed with me. He is a sweet guy. Ugh but im not sure now. We will see how it turns out. Either way, my friends then came, I said goodbye to W, and then we headed back to school. I dropped my friends off in school, and I continued on to Julio Antonio Mella. Which is the official name for ELAM 11. It’s a similar building to my school, only its not a school like I explained earlier. It doubles as a hotel for family of the students living here in Sandino.
I am currently on the 4th floor. We just had a major thunderstorm, Ihave severe lumbar pain due to the discomfort of sitting on these shitty beds trying to watch Voyager, fringe, the fifth element and knight rider episode 1.15
I arrived last night at 9pm, they gave me two pieces of bread with luncheon meat and a pitcher of fake apple juice. I stayed awake until 4 in the morning. I woke up today after sleeping in my underwear, and I opened the door and saw this really cute guy who brought me bread with mayonnaise. I was happy and I think I had a hard on hahaha. Anyway, so then I went back to sleep, they brought me lunch as well, rice beans and chicken. I ate it in the bathroom. I still haven’t brushed my teeth yet, I left my toothpaste at home and the rest is in my real school.
Tomorrow they are reopening the cafeteria and the store so I will buy toothpaste then, until then im heavily chewing on trident white. I am tempted to eat the candy I have but I am starting vigorous exercise again today, I gained about 14 pounds in that one week back home.
so later today im running on the field they have, that is if they let me out of the building, doing my abs and my pushups, I hope my new piercings don’t cause any unnecessary pain or discomfort.
Lets see if I can attach some pixx….
Farid out. Man that was a lot of yapping, I hope it will be more flowing in tomorrows entry.
so until tonight, its 5.37pm already, ill be masturbating, watching movies and massaging my back.
Vacation log
Stardate 28
If I recall correctly, I left school to go to Havana on Thursday July 9th. Wait let me get my camera so I can be sure of what I am saying. At my advanced age (20) my memory is not as good as it used to be so I use photographic evidence to show me what really happens. The dean confiscated all my travel documents the day before I left because she felt the need to exert her power over me. Fine, I knew all my documents were ready so I wasn’t worried. I was right, the following morning I got all of my documents ready. I wore a polo shirt that was given to me by David. He is a friend. I might have already mentioned him. I think. Just the day before I left school I made a huge booboo. You see, we have practica docente every Wednesday. That means, we leave school to go to a local clinic and then we observe and get presentations, and sometimes we even get to participate. It all depends on the class of the week. That week we were doing pregnancy and birth. So they took us to the maternity ward to interview the patients, ask them all kinds of questions bla bla bla. Anyway, that never really takes very long, and since the bus comes to pick us all up at 11, we usually have two hours of free time, so we use that to go shopping. I was planning on making a red Thai curry for J (female friend) so she bought me the beef. Granted, I was supposed to cook it for her so we could share it. I cooked it, and in some crazy frenzy I just started eating it, and eating it and there wasn’t much left, and so I told my roommates to finish it. Nuff said, J walked into the room, looked into the pot and surprised, she asked me if I cooked. Though she already knew the answer, she hurtfully said that she didn’t expect this from me. Ok fine, I fucked up so I sent her an email, apologizing for what I did, because she usually just retreats into her room when these kind of things happen, and then I got this blaster email back, which basically ended the friendship. You see, when someone tells me something I assume they have thought it through and mean what they say, so when she told me that she didn’t consider me her friend anymore, who was I to doubt that.
So I just went to sleep, the next day, David, Josh and Louisa (my other friends) went to accompany me to Pinar del Rio. I borrowed an extra 50 dollars to make sure id have enough money for the whole trip back. Yeah I was broke for the longest time. But I have money now and I will pay them back. Anyway so me and J made up and she came with the rest of us to drop me off. Well, first of all, it was noon and the sun was blazing. It’s a 1km walk from school to the bus stop. Which we reached on time I guess. Only there was no transport, once again. So we waited for an hour, but then we just stopped a horse cart and put all of my suitcases on it, and 5 of us mounted it as well. That was funny but we reached Isabel Rubio on time. Isabel Rubio is a town about 4km away from school. It was there where we took a taxi to the city of Pinar del rio.
You know what I just decided. I don’t need to go into all the small little details. Let me just give yall a grand summary
I did get my threesome, it was awesome, I walked 40 blocks in the rain to get back to jesus’ house which is where I ate rice with meatballs, it was delicious. And then I went to the malecon where I met two germans, one had a 1foot long penis. No lies. And the other was a pervert, which reminds me, I have his email address. At 3am I went back to the house to collect my stuff and then I left for the airport. I didn’t have to wait long, I bought cigars and then went for border control where I was detained. Apparently my documents were not correct, after a few phone calls I was let through and I boarded the plane, where I passed out. I woke up 15 minutes prior to landing, and breakfast was done already. Either way, I ate some ham and cheese thing and then I got off the plane in panama. That’s where I met this peruan who was in transit from BA to Newark. He wanted me to transfer some files from a flash drive to his mp3 player. But since my laptop was a piece of shit, it didn’t really work out. He had this funny American accent, he acted like the average African American teenager. Spoke like it as well. He was cute though. So after he boarded the plane, there was this north Korean who invited me to his house in north korea. Funny, his English sucked. He was explaining to me in sign language that western medicine sucks and that I should study acupuncture. I left for Trinidad where I fell asleep on the plane, again. I had my rice with ground beef and then I woke up in port of spain. I got off the plane and then got my bags and had a subway sub, it was nice, I bought one for my brother as well. That’s when I started waiting and waiting for my connection Which was 7 hours later btw. I then bought some books and started reading, im not exactly sure what else I did but eventually I was in the departure hall. My pictures don’t really paint the picture either.
I reached suriname, and I entered the new arrivals hall. Its nothing special really, you keep wondering why it took so fucking long to build. Its excessively cold, and its just a hallway and a new hall for baggage reclamation. My brother and my mom were there outside and I was happy to see them, hungry as well. They brought me spicy shrimp and sweet and sour fish, it was fabulous, I ate it all like there was no tomorrow. I was planning on going out to the YMC Gay night at club Mystique but that never happened as I was tired and my friends had gone to sleep according to my mom. She was lying btw. So at 4am that night I fell asleep.
If I recall correctly, I left school to go to Havana on Thursday July 9th. Wait let me get my camera so I can be sure of what I am saying. At my advanced age (20) my memory is not as good as it used to be so I use photographic evidence to show me what really happens. The dean confiscated all my travel documents the day before I left because she felt the need to exert her power over me. Fine, I knew all my documents were ready so I wasn’t worried. I was right, the following morning I got all of my documents ready. I wore a polo shirt that was given to me by David. He is a friend. I might have already mentioned him. I think. Just the day before I left school I made a huge booboo. You see, we have practica docente every Wednesday. That means, we leave school to go to a local clinic and then we observe and get presentations, and sometimes we even get to participate. It all depends on the class of the week. That week we were doing pregnancy and birth. So they took us to the maternity ward to interview the patients, ask them all kinds of questions bla bla bla. Anyway, that never really takes very long, and since the bus comes to pick us all up at 11, we usually have two hours of free time, so we use that to go shopping. I was planning on making a red Thai curry for J (female friend) so she bought me the beef. Granted, I was supposed to cook it for her so we could share it. I cooked it, and in some crazy frenzy I just started eating it, and eating it and there wasn’t much left, and so I told my roommates to finish it. Nuff said, J walked into the room, looked into the pot and surprised, she asked me if I cooked. Though she already knew the answer, she hurtfully said that she didn’t expect this from me. Ok fine, I fucked up so I sent her an email, apologizing for what I did, because she usually just retreats into her room when these kind of things happen, and then I got this blaster email back, which basically ended the friendship. You see, when someone tells me something I assume they have thought it through and mean what they say, so when she told me that she didn’t consider me her friend anymore, who was I to doubt that.
So I just went to sleep, the next day, David, Josh and Louisa (my other friends) went to accompany me to Pinar del Rio. I borrowed an extra 50 dollars to make sure id have enough money for the whole trip back. Yeah I was broke for the longest time. But I have money now and I will pay them back. Anyway so me and J made up and she came with the rest of us to drop me off. Well, first of all, it was noon and the sun was blazing. It’s a 1km walk from school to the bus stop. Which we reached on time I guess. Only there was no transport, once again. So we waited for an hour, but then we just stopped a horse cart and put all of my suitcases on it, and 5 of us mounted it as well. That was funny but we reached Isabel Rubio on time. Isabel Rubio is a town about 4km away from school. It was there where we took a taxi to the city of Pinar del rio.
You know what I just decided. I don’t need to go into all the small little details. Let me just give yall a grand summary
I did get my threesome, it was awesome, I walked 40 blocks in the rain to get back to jesus’ house which is where I ate rice with meatballs, it was delicious. And then I went to the malecon where I met two germans, one had a 1foot long penis. No lies. And the other was a pervert, which reminds me, I have his email address. At 3am I went back to the house to collect my stuff and then I left for the airport. I didn’t have to wait long, I bought cigars and then went for border control where I was detained. Apparently my documents were not correct, after a few phone calls I was let through and I boarded the plane, where I passed out. I woke up 15 minutes prior to landing, and breakfast was done already. Either way, I ate some ham and cheese thing and then I got off the plane in panama. That’s where I met this peruan who was in transit from BA to Newark. He wanted me to transfer some files from a flash drive to his mp3 player. But since my laptop was a piece of shit, it didn’t really work out. He had this funny American accent, he acted like the average African American teenager. Spoke like it as well. He was cute though. So after he boarded the plane, there was this north Korean who invited me to his house in north korea. Funny, his English sucked. He was explaining to me in sign language that western medicine sucks and that I should study acupuncture. I left for Trinidad where I fell asleep on the plane, again. I had my rice with ground beef and then I woke up in port of spain. I got off the plane and then got my bags and had a subway sub, it was nice, I bought one for my brother as well. That’s when I started waiting and waiting for my connection Which was 7 hours later btw. I then bought some books and started reading, im not exactly sure what else I did but eventually I was in the departure hall. My pictures don’t really paint the picture either.
I reached suriname, and I entered the new arrivals hall. Its nothing special really, you keep wondering why it took so fucking long to build. Its excessively cold, and its just a hallway and a new hall for baggage reclamation. My brother and my mom were there outside and I was happy to see them, hungry as well. They brought me spicy shrimp and sweet and sour fish, it was fabulous, I ate it all like there was no tomorrow. I was planning on going out to the YMC Gay night at club Mystique but that never happened as I was tired and my friends had gone to sleep according to my mom. She was lying btw. So at 4am that night I fell asleep.
Sandino, Pinar del Río, Tuesday July 21st 2009
It feels as if I haven’t written in ages. How long has it been, 10-11 days?
Where do I even begin to write? I was going to keep a daily journal of my 9 days in sunny Suriname but that never really happened because I deemed myself too busy to write. Something kept telling me that I would have 10 days in quarantine, without internet, so I’d have enough time to start writing then. Nothing could be more right. I will keep the quarantine logs and the vacation logs separate so it will be easier to read and understand.
It feels as if I haven’t written in ages. How long has it been, 10-11 days?
Where do I even begin to write? I was going to keep a daily journal of my 9 days in sunny Suriname but that never really happened because I deemed myself too busy to write. Something kept telling me that I would have 10 days in quarantine, without internet, so I’d have enough time to start writing then. Nothing could be more right. I will keep the quarantine logs and the vacation logs separate so it will be easier to read and understand.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sandino, Pinar del Rio, Tuesday, june 7th 2009
Stardate 14.4
Today I told my friends that I have been writing again. It might not have been the smartest thing to do, it wasn’t received that well. But who cares, I do not owe an explanation to anyone, and since I havent been using any last names, im out of trouble
Anyway, two cool comments were made today. By Jen. But sadly because im like a little drunk I don’t remember them.
Oh I finally got my passport today, that’s 75% of the things I need, I now need a declaration for my new laptop so I can pass it through customs, I need a declaration of membership to this school and I think that’s about it, im supposed to get them tomorrow. I cant wait to start packing.
Today to celebrate a bit I went out of school to eat fried chicken and drink beer, a common ritual in elam schools of sandino.
Anyway, the whole passport thing didn’t go without trouble, there is this belizean friend of mine who is also leaving this week, but she isnt coming back, she is continuing medicine in barbados, UWI. Anyway, they didn’t want her to leave yet because one document wasn’t signed yet. Its funny because apparently if one person is missing here, the whole factory stops. The secretary had to sign her last document but she wasn’t in school. So they caught her as she was boarding the taxi, a whole caravan of students followed and almost caused a riot. The lady from foreign relations got fired because the dean (on a power trip) said that she never gave permission for her to leave or get her passport. The passport was given by the lady from foreign relations, funny, because she doesn’t need authorization to give passports. It kinda sucks because she was the one that always helped me surpass the system, anyway, atleast my exit has been arranged for now.
What else happened today, I think im getting swineflu hahahaha
It sucks
Anyway, wait for a nicer post tomorrow
Stardate 14.4
Today I told my friends that I have been writing again. It might not have been the smartest thing to do, it wasn’t received that well. But who cares, I do not owe an explanation to anyone, and since I havent been using any last names, im out of trouble
Anyway, two cool comments were made today. By Jen. But sadly because im like a little drunk I don’t remember them.
Oh I finally got my passport today, that’s 75% of the things I need, I now need a declaration for my new laptop so I can pass it through customs, I need a declaration of membership to this school and I think that’s about it, im supposed to get them tomorrow. I cant wait to start packing.
Today to celebrate a bit I went out of school to eat fried chicken and drink beer, a common ritual in elam schools of sandino.
Anyway, the whole passport thing didn’t go without trouble, there is this belizean friend of mine who is also leaving this week, but she isnt coming back, she is continuing medicine in barbados, UWI. Anyway, they didn’t want her to leave yet because one document wasn’t signed yet. Its funny because apparently if one person is missing here, the whole factory stops. The secretary had to sign her last document but she wasn’t in school. So they caught her as she was boarding the taxi, a whole caravan of students followed and almost caused a riot. The lady from foreign relations got fired because the dean (on a power trip) said that she never gave permission for her to leave or get her passport. The passport was given by the lady from foreign relations, funny, because she doesn’t need authorization to give passports. It kinda sucks because she was the one that always helped me surpass the system, anyway, atleast my exit has been arranged for now.
What else happened today, I think im getting swineflu hahahaha
It sucks
Anyway, wait for a nicer post tomorrow
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Diarrea squared
Sandino, Pinar del Rio, July 6th 2009
Stardate 14.3
Yes, It happened to me again, the second time in one week. This time due to guilt.
I didn’t feel like going down to eat, so I asked a roommate of mine *I have 8 of them, some of them I don’t like, some of them I do* to go to Isabel rubio to get me some chicken. He went and brought me some, but I had completely forgotten about this. I went into the room at about 1 in the morning and I saw the Tupperware filled with food, I knew it was probably spoilt, but I ate it anyway, because it was chicken. I woke up this morning thinking nothing was going to happen because it didn’t feel strange. I was wrong, right after lunch it hit me. It was a very gassy one. One that causes crippling pain. I took another muscle relaxer and the pain went. But I still feel it inside of me, bubbling.
Oh yeah, and my documents ARE STILL NOT READY. I will kill them tomorrow. I really will, im not kidding, my next entry will tell you all which fucker I killed first.
Oh I am totally in love with star trek again after having seen the movie. I think Zachary Quinto is hot. Not THAT hot but his eyebrows, not the one in the movie, his real ones, just warm me up. Oh and I want to get my hands on 7 seasons of star trek voyager.
Helpful tips:
Don’t eat spoilt food twice in one week and vote to revive stargate atlantis.
Stardate 14.3
Yes, It happened to me again, the second time in one week. This time due to guilt.
I didn’t feel like going down to eat, so I asked a roommate of mine *I have 8 of them, some of them I don’t like, some of them I do* to go to Isabel rubio to get me some chicken. He went and brought me some, but I had completely forgotten about this. I went into the room at about 1 in the morning and I saw the Tupperware filled with food, I knew it was probably spoilt, but I ate it anyway, because it was chicken. I woke up this morning thinking nothing was going to happen because it didn’t feel strange. I was wrong, right after lunch it hit me. It was a very gassy one. One that causes crippling pain. I took another muscle relaxer and the pain went. But I still feel it inside of me, bubbling.
Oh yeah, and my documents ARE STILL NOT READY. I will kill them tomorrow. I really will, im not kidding, my next entry will tell you all which fucker I killed first.
Oh I am totally in love with star trek again after having seen the movie. I think Zachary Quinto is hot. Not THAT hot but his eyebrows, not the one in the movie, his real ones, just warm me up. Oh and I want to get my hands on 7 seasons of star trek voyager.
Helpful tips:
Don’t eat spoilt food twice in one week and vote to revive stargate atlantis.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Stupid quote of the day
Sandino, Pinar del Rio, Monday, july 6th 2009
Stardate 14.1
“Bread makes you fat because of the yeast in it, that’s why cheese gets you fat as well, it’s the yeast”
--Janique, 1st year medstudent, bachelors in either microbiology, biochemistry or organic chem—
Sometimes I wonder why the hell these people are studying medicine. These are the same kind of people that call for an excorcism instead of a doctor when someone is having an epilleptic attack.
I go to school with these... people.
Oh btw she is jamaican and studied at UWI
Stardate 14.1
“Bread makes you fat because of the yeast in it, that’s why cheese gets you fat as well, it’s the yeast”
--Janique, 1st year medstudent, bachelors in either microbiology, biochemistry or organic chem—
Sometimes I wonder why the hell these people are studying medicine. These are the same kind of people that call for an excorcism instead of a doctor when someone is having an epilleptic attack.
I go to school with these... people.
Oh btw she is jamaican and studied at UWI
Sandino, Pinar del rio, July 6th 2009
Stardate 14
Im so fucking freaking out, I was sitting down and as a regular checkup I was pulling on my skin where my lovehandles once were and I feel a fat deposit growing.
Am I really getting fat again?
This cannot be, not now, not 4 days before travelling, not three days before my threesome, no not now, this is impossible.
I am now running more, and easing off the carbs, its impossible, it has to be an ilusion, maybe im bloated. Last week I ran 5km, I walked 14, I had diarrhea which made me lose like 2 pounds, why is this happening?
Aside from the fact that im having a small nervous breakdown, my passport still isnt ready yet. Its t-minus 4 days and my passport isnt ready yet. Im getting one of
those fits again where heads will roll, planets will fall, solar systems destroyed.
I have already cleaned out two suitcases, I havent started packing yet.
Last Saturday I went out to sandino, I took 10 dollars I wasn’t supposed to spend. I drank beer, I danced, I was happy for a while, but I was so tired afterwards that I passed out (sleeping, not hipoglicemic alcohol induced coma) on my friends’ lap. I got to school, put on my ipod, with only 1 heapdhone working because all my other 7 sets of headphones have been broken by others. Im never ever lending out my stuff again, ever! And I danced in front of the mirror to some real music.
So I guess that’s like a summary of my weekend, sorry its like unstructured but im writing this in a hurry, I have been studying for the majority of the night, so now I have to go to bed, this is strange since I slept the entire afternoon.
Helpful tip number 67
Epispadia makes you pee towards your face, so sit down before you pee. Another tip, do not scratch your balls yoo much, it causes lesions and cheese under fingernails.
Stardate 14
Im so fucking freaking out, I was sitting down and as a regular checkup I was pulling on my skin where my lovehandles once were and I feel a fat deposit growing.
Am I really getting fat again?
This cannot be, not now, not 4 days before travelling, not three days before my threesome, no not now, this is impossible.
I am now running more, and easing off the carbs, its impossible, it has to be an ilusion, maybe im bloated. Last week I ran 5km, I walked 14, I had diarrhea which made me lose like 2 pounds, why is this happening?
Aside from the fact that im having a small nervous breakdown, my passport still isnt ready yet. Its t-minus 4 days and my passport isnt ready yet. Im getting one of
those fits again where heads will roll, planets will fall, solar systems destroyed.
I have already cleaned out two suitcases, I havent started packing yet.
Last Saturday I went out to sandino, I took 10 dollars I wasn’t supposed to spend. I drank beer, I danced, I was happy for a while, but I was so tired afterwards that I passed out (sleeping, not hipoglicemic alcohol induced coma) on my friends’ lap. I got to school, put on my ipod, with only 1 heapdhone working because all my other 7 sets of headphones have been broken by others. Im never ever lending out my stuff again, ever! And I danced in front of the mirror to some real music.
So I guess that’s like a summary of my weekend, sorry its like unstructured but im writing this in a hurry, I have been studying for the majority of the night, so now I have to go to bed, this is strange since I slept the entire afternoon.
Helpful tip number 67
Epispadia makes you pee towards your face, so sit down before you pee. Another tip, do not scratch your balls yoo much, it causes lesions and cheese under fingernails.
Friday, July 3, 2009
My first new comment
Sandino, Pinar del Rio, Friday, June 3rd 2009
Stardate 12.2
Hello Yordan guy, you see, since I don’t really update my blog myself, I cant reply to your comment, so I'm posting something as an answer.
Eres el Yordan que vive en suriname, que recien estaba aqui en cuba?
En comparacion puedo decir que la vida ‘abierta’ es mas facil aqui en cuba que en suriname, quizas es porque me iluciono con la cantidad de gente, pero todo depende de tu punto de vista. bueno, espero que disfrutes mucho de la vida surinamesa. Te deseo muchos exitos en todo, y gracias por escribir….
Stardate 12.2
Hello Yordan guy, you see, since I don’t really update my blog myself, I cant reply to your comment, so I'm posting something as an answer.
Eres el Yordan que vive en suriname, que recien estaba aqui en cuba?
En comparacion puedo decir que la vida ‘abierta’ es mas facil aqui en cuba que en suriname, quizas es porque me iluciono con la cantidad de gente, pero todo depende de tu punto de vista. bueno, espero que disfrutes mucho de la vida surinamesa. Te deseo muchos exitos en todo, y gracias por escribir….
Bloody Fermented Mess
Sandino, Pinar del Rio, Friday, July 3rd 2009
Stardate 12.1
As I have gotten confirmation of all my documents, I am now ready to travel. Ok wait, they said my documents are ready, but where are they? Ive been told they will be arriving here later today, we will see how much of it is true, either way, I want my stuff today.
In a happy spree I decided to go and clean one of my suitcases. I always use that one when I travel because of its 4 point independent wheeling system. It can rotate around its axis, its really easy to push around. Anyway, I was using it for food storage in the meantime, so I cleaned it out. In January of this year I had a major soy sauce incident. The bottle doesn’t close well, stupid lee kum kee. Although it’s the best brand, they seemingly forget to mention that the popcap can pop open at any given time, and considering that I never really kept the bottle upright, it all leaked out. So I cleaned it in January, and as a precaution I folded up a failing pair of jeans that I had, and used it as a boundary.
So now that the boundary had been removed and thrown into the trash (I am SO sure the workers will just take the pants, wash it and use it) I start to clean the suitcase. And I believed I did a good job. So I put the suitcase in an upright position, and within 5 minutes, a pool of fermented soybeans was under my suitcase, it was like it had a gunshot wound, that’s how much it was, then I realized, the suitcase had been in a lying position for 6 months, the sauce must have pooled in the auxiliary compartment, which is occupied by the pop up bars.
Man that was a big clean up, but I am convinced I got rid of it all.
In the meantime, I smell like soysauce, im listening to kylies greatest hits, and im trying to figure out how my new feeding card works. Apparently when we go down we have to carry it with us so they can stamp us off.
Oh and on a sidenote, apparently we got a new set of rules today. And just like I expected, all the faggios in class *a faggio is someone who is obviously a flaming homosexual, but goes to church to hide it, and doesn’t admit it to himself* started a riot, complaining, failing to comply, blablabla. Fucking homos. Ok I know I am gay, but geez, they just fuck it up for those who know how to handle it.
I just hate it whenever it happens, they always have the biggest mouths. It just disturbing, I mean, come out already, everybody knows….
Helpful tip for the day
Come out! Oh and thai food is spicy, so don’t drink through your nose!
Stardate 12.1
As I have gotten confirmation of all my documents, I am now ready to travel. Ok wait, they said my documents are ready, but where are they? Ive been told they will be arriving here later today, we will see how much of it is true, either way, I want my stuff today.
In a happy spree I decided to go and clean one of my suitcases. I always use that one when I travel because of its 4 point independent wheeling system. It can rotate around its axis, its really easy to push around. Anyway, I was using it for food storage in the meantime, so I cleaned it out. In January of this year I had a major soy sauce incident. The bottle doesn’t close well, stupid lee kum kee. Although it’s the best brand, they seemingly forget to mention that the popcap can pop open at any given time, and considering that I never really kept the bottle upright, it all leaked out. So I cleaned it in January, and as a precaution I folded up a failing pair of jeans that I had, and used it as a boundary.
So now that the boundary had been removed and thrown into the trash (I am SO sure the workers will just take the pants, wash it and use it) I start to clean the suitcase. And I believed I did a good job. So I put the suitcase in an upright position, and within 5 minutes, a pool of fermented soybeans was under my suitcase, it was like it had a gunshot wound, that’s how much it was, then I realized, the suitcase had been in a lying position for 6 months, the sauce must have pooled in the auxiliary compartment, which is occupied by the pop up bars.
Man that was a big clean up, but I am convinced I got rid of it all.
In the meantime, I smell like soysauce, im listening to kylies greatest hits, and im trying to figure out how my new feeding card works. Apparently when we go down we have to carry it with us so they can stamp us off.
Oh and on a sidenote, apparently we got a new set of rules today. And just like I expected, all the faggios in class *a faggio is someone who is obviously a flaming homosexual, but goes to church to hide it, and doesn’t admit it to himself* started a riot, complaining, failing to comply, blablabla. Fucking homos. Ok I know I am gay, but geez, they just fuck it up for those who know how to handle it.
I just hate it whenever it happens, they always have the biggest mouths. It just disturbing, I mean, come out already, everybody knows….
Helpful tip for the day
Come out! Oh and thai food is spicy, so don’t drink through your nose!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Unknown entry event
Sandino, Pinar del Rio, Thursday July 2nd 2009
Star date 11.1
Have you ever felt like you do not know what’s going on around you. I mean, assuming that you normally feel like you have everything under control. I am that kind of person, I do not believe in luck nor destiny, I believe that we are the ones in control of our immediate future, fueled by decisions we take.
I thought I had it all under control, but somehow everything is messing up. My grand scheme 2009 is at a critical point. No wait a minute, I did what I had to do, this is all due to incompetence of others. Hahaha, blaming is always the best way out isn’t it?
I now have 7 days remaining until my flight home. My passport is still not ready. This is not my doing btw. Incompetence of others, once again. Now, to speed up the process of preparing my passport, I was told to make a statement saying my mother is terminally ill, and to prove it, I had to ask her to send me an email telling me that she was dying. Now I didn’t have a problem with this, since I have no morals, but my mother, who thinks she is Muslim (hey, that’s funny, spell-check says Muslim is with a capital M, is atheist also with a capital letter, aha, no, those discriminating fuckers), did. So she didn’t write the letter. I kept begging and begging, but in the end I just assumed she wouldn’t write it. So I was about to send an email to my brother telling him to access her account and write it for her, without her knowledge . And so coincidentally, 5 minutes before I was about to write my brother, I get an email with the letter I needed.
As I read it I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. It was funny. Wait, would it be morally incorrect to put the letter online? Hahahah, ok, no I wont do that, id hurt my mother in the process, that’s not how I roll. Not with my mom atleast hahaha.
Anyway, aside from that, I’m suffering from food poisoning. But this all happened consciously. Yesterday, jenny came back from Havana. She went to go book her ticket to go back home in august. She came back and bought me real hamburgers, the ones that only exist in real civilization (Havana). They apparently were spoilt when she reached school. But I ate them anyway hahaha. I knew, but I tried to convince myself they weren’t as I was eating them. Anyway, im dealing with the infection, I took in a buscopan, which effectively shut down all my smooth muscle tissue in my gastrointestinal tract. No more pain hahaha, and because there is no motion of the fecal ball, the water gets reabsorbed, thus slowly treating my affliction. Though I know there are much better pharms for this kind of thing, I prefer this one.
Helpful tips of the day
Diarrhea is the second best diet ever, and be happy you do not have Kleinefelters syndrome.
Star date 11.1
Have you ever felt like you do not know what’s going on around you. I mean, assuming that you normally feel like you have everything under control. I am that kind of person, I do not believe in luck nor destiny, I believe that we are the ones in control of our immediate future, fueled by decisions we take.
I thought I had it all under control, but somehow everything is messing up. My grand scheme 2009 is at a critical point. No wait a minute, I did what I had to do, this is all due to incompetence of others. Hahaha, blaming is always the best way out isn’t it?
I now have 7 days remaining until my flight home. My passport is still not ready. This is not my doing btw. Incompetence of others, once again. Now, to speed up the process of preparing my passport, I was told to make a statement saying my mother is terminally ill, and to prove it, I had to ask her to send me an email telling me that she was dying. Now I didn’t have a problem with this, since I have no morals, but my mother, who thinks she is Muslim (hey, that’s funny, spell-check says Muslim is with a capital M, is atheist also with a capital letter, aha, no, those discriminating fuckers), did. So she didn’t write the letter. I kept begging and begging, but in the end I just assumed she wouldn’t write it. So I was about to send an email to my brother telling him to access her account and write it for her, without her knowledge . And so coincidentally, 5 minutes before I was about to write my brother, I get an email with the letter I needed.
As I read it I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. It was funny. Wait, would it be morally incorrect to put the letter online? Hahahah, ok, no I wont do that, id hurt my mother in the process, that’s not how I roll. Not with my mom atleast hahaha.
Anyway, aside from that, I’m suffering from food poisoning. But this all happened consciously. Yesterday, jenny came back from Havana. She went to go book her ticket to go back home in august. She came back and bought me real hamburgers, the ones that only exist in real civilization (Havana). They apparently were spoilt when she reached school. But I ate them anyway hahaha. I knew, but I tried to convince myself they weren’t as I was eating them. Anyway, im dealing with the infection, I took in a buscopan, which effectively shut down all my smooth muscle tissue in my gastrointestinal tract. No more pain hahaha, and because there is no motion of the fecal ball, the water gets reabsorbed, thus slowly treating my affliction. Though I know there are much better pharms for this kind of thing, I prefer this one.
Helpful tips of the day
Diarrhea is the second best diet ever, and be happy you do not have Kleinefelters syndrome.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sandino, Wednesday July 1st 2009
Stardate 10.1
Last Monday I went out to a birthday party in Isabel Rubio. Isabel Rubio is an idolized truck stop grown into a small town. The center of my activities there is the Cupet, which is the truck stop slash tanking station. Anyhow, I got ready at about 8pm and left with my Jamaican friend David, but there was absolutely no transport to be found, so we decided to walk. It’s a 3.83km walk from my school to I.R., this is according to my IPod. Anyway, so we walked and arrived fashionably late, we were met by the Bolivians *they also go to school here in this area, there is a common saying stating that the entire Bolivian youth is studying medicine in Cuba*
The party wasn’t fun, they were playing shitty music, and they only had like one cd. And the cake smelled like raw egg, which seems to be a specialty on this side of the island. So I just decided to get drunk on the wine, but not get passed out drunk, just drunk. So I drank a glass of red wine, and then a glass of white wine, and then another one, and another one. After 5 glasses I decided to kick back and enjoy the sights hahahah. But then I was forced to drink more, so I told them, I will drink but I will have to purge hahaha, so I purged. I now have this way to induce vomiting without sticking anything down my throat. Its never a nice feeling but it had to go out hahaha.
We walked back to school again, at midnight, and arrived at about 20 to 1.
The next day, which was yesterday, wait
Stardate 10.2 now hahahaha
Yesterday the lady who had to prepare my passport, yes I actually have to send my passport to go prepare it before I leave the country. Its genius actually, its what prevents us from escaping the country without the Cubans permission. Hey wait, by explaining this process, am I being negative towards the Cuban revolution? Just yesterday they came into class reading us our rights and stuff, I cant do anything counterrevolutionary. Boo, I don’t consider this worth anything hahaha. Anyhow, so I entered the country on a tourist visa right, which expired after 90 days, after which I was illegal. But now they gave us an identity card which is all the legal documents I need as a foreign student. But I still cant get over the fact that its genius. They have to send my passport with an official request to some office so they can prepare a salida for me. Salida literally means exit. It’s a non stick visa for exit and reentry into the country which they confiscate after reentry. So even if I got a ticket, id still need a salida to leave, otherwise they’d arrest me at the airport. Oh the shame.
Back to the lady, she never prepared my passport for me to leave, which severely pissed me off, my flight is in nine days and nothing is prepared yet….. well fine, I apparently had to buy stamps for 25 dollars (which I didn’t even know could exist since nobody can pay that), anyway, so I left for the town of Sandino to go get the stamps.
There was no transport, I waited 1 hour at the busstop, took a bus, which dropped me 4km later at the military base, where I waited another half hour for another bus that dropped me 4km from the military base, and I had to walk the rest of the way, which is about 2.5km.
All this time I have been avoiding the sun in an attempt to bring back the normal color of my skin. All was in vain, I got burnt badly.
Once in sandino, I go to the post office, and as I suspected, the woman had no idea what I was talking about, so I got so pissed that I just walked away. I called my roommate (no not the one Iwant to kill) to ask him where his girlfriend got her supposed stamps, but she, being the regular airhead that she is (she will kill me if she ever reads this, but who cares, she is naïve) had no clue, she said she bought it from a friend. My eyes rolled obviously, because she could have gone to her friend and asked her, but instead of me telling her this over the phone, I decided that I was just going to let it go. She is older than me btw, much older….
I got some soft drinks and walked to the main bus stop, which is where they told me that all the buses were broken. Yes, it also happens in Cuba, all the possible buses are broken.
So I walked to the main road in the scorching 4pm sun and waited for two hours, nobody wanted to pick me up, it all has to do with the foreign thing.
That’s when I decided I was just going to walk to school, all the 12km. And I did, I walked 11km, and then this guy on a horse cart thought I looked dead so he offered me a ride for the last km, so I took it, my feet had blisters, I looked like death basically. Did I mention that the last time I ate yesterday was lunch, and it was 8pm already, as a matter of fact, I still haven’t eaten as of yet, 24 hours later, my body is in an advanced state of ketosis I’m assuming. Woohoo burning fat.
So that was yesterday, today I just told the lady to get my things for me, because I am not leaving this school unless its towards the airport. 9 more days…. Later on the woman told me that it wouldn’t be done on time, she doesn’t know what she is saying because if It isn’t done on time, heads will roll, schools will burn, computers will break, and then I’m never coming back. So in an attempt to try and calm me down they suggested the following, saying that my mother is terminally ill. Which is funny really, the same thing as last year basically. So that’s the new strategy, my documents will all be ready by this Friday, two days from now.
We will see how things will develop.
Oh I wanted to put some pictures up, but the peruan I have living in my room kidnapped my camera because he had something to photograph in Havana, odd isn’t it? So I will now upload some pics from my mobile and use davids computer, its nothing special, its actually quite sucky, but it has ubuntu and Bluetooth drivers, mine doesn’t right now, its missing most drivers. I just recently installed office 2007 on this one hahaha. So ill be right back.
Shit, my pc doesn’t detect his upload inbox, ill have to mail myself the emails. Need more time, why am I writing this anyway, you will never know anyway….
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