Sandino, Pinar del Rio, June 29th 2009
Stardate, ehm, 5 or sth, no, make it 7
It seems that I have been able to pump out texts for like a week now. I have a feeling that this is becoming a routine, which is a good thing, this way I can actually get back to writing the way I used to do it long ago.
Anyway, this weekend, well, the one that just passed sucked ass. As I might have posted earlier, there was a 50% chance for storm development in the northern caribbean sea, which is just below my province. In stead of a real storm formation we just got a hell of a lot of rain. Which completely screwed up my plans. Let me Explain.
Where I live is jacked up. Its the westernmost municipality of Cuba called Sandino, after some revolutionary from honduras was it? or Nicaragua? its probably nicaragua. Anyway, this is the polo for the province, meaning, this is where they built several medical faculties. Now you have to understand, when I say medical faculty, I mean a big double building with habitations for about 500 students, a schoolbuilding and a canteen in the middle. Thats where I live, when I am in my room and look around, all I see is bush, farmland and other schools. There are about thirty of these structures in my area, of which 12 are filled with foreign students. There is one main road, which is the extension of the main east to west highway in cuba. Luckily my school is located about 500m of this road, other schools like the one filled with Ecuatorians is like 15km away.....and transport is a bitch, either by horsecart or by hitching a ride on a transport truck.
As I was saying, when I go out, I mean I go out to Sandino, the town, which is about 10km away, now there is a regular bustransport that drives past the busstop on the main road. Usually, if its full or about to be full they give preference to cubans. And other transport usually gives them preference as well. I think its mainly due to the fact that they think life is severely unfair. We study here for free, are being fed yada yada yada, its just a stupid situation. The cubans dont really like us but they need us here, otherwise nobody would have a job or money. All the people here, because its so rural, work either in the school or in an institution linked towards the schools.
Anyway, to get to a busstop you have to walk, and because it was so rainy, nobody went out, which is funny, because I did. I went to sandino, had my fried chicken and beer, and then I came back to school, it was nice though, because I hadnt walked in the rain in forever.
I came back to school and because I felt too overdressed to go to sleep immediately I decided to turn on my pc and start slutting around on the net. I met some interesting people last saturday. I do not have regular internet access, you have no idea what kind of strategies I have to put in place to atleast have some feeling of normality. I acces cuban forums and thats how most people find others over the web, since its the only thing we can access freely over here. there were some normal friend pages open a while back but they get shut down by the government within a month or three.
So I met a couple of marine biologists who were looking for an interesting person to try out a threesome. Its a blonde guy and a mulatto, theyre both 25 years old and have always wanted a threesome, but not with some random stranger, they want it to be a friendly person or something, so now were getting to know each other better via the web before we do anything hahaha, its interesting really. I also met this blonde haired, blue eyed guy, but that was stupid, he just started to obsess about my ass *which isnt even that great* so I was like, yeah never mind.
Anyhow, the counter is now at 10 days until I leave. thats cool, I cant even take afternoon naps anymore as the excitement is unbearable. I love airports, they turn me on, they give me this feeling of, I dont know, happiness? hahahah lame explanation I know, but I think its all due to the fact that the whole travelling thing is relatively new to me, for most of my life I havent owned a passport, my first passport was a diplomatic one, that one got stolen after my first trip to the netherlands in 1997. I didnt get a new one until 2007. sad huh?
but the point is that basically, my mother has travelled a lot in her life, she has been to every continent except australia and antarctica. And we always used to bring her to the airport and picked her up equally, I always wanted to go with her but I never could. And finally all of a sudden I find myself travelling twice a year, several flights everytime, Imagine, I will be taking 6 flights, 3 to go and three to come back, and thats the easiest way from cuba to Suriname.
I just love airplanes, airports, carry-on luggage, airplane foods, flight attendants (the male ones) and free beer on copa flights hahahaha.
Anyway, I see I have no more time lately, writing articles, and now I have to study a whole shitload of books, this week we are doing the male and female reproductive system and cycle, im not talking about naming parts, im talking about the whole 9 yards. the summary alone is 20 pages printed out. I fear the worst
signing out
and remember
fingering is done with clipped nails.......prevent colon damage, and clip them off!