I took another step outside of the home base. The outside temperature was just right at the time but I had a feeling my vestidios wouldnt serve as much of a barrier between me and the neduring radiation and UV rays. I still ventured out because anything was better than 4 boring hours of spanish classes. Mis companeros me acompanaron hasta la 'fence'. As soon as we were walking some distance I knew that my suit had failed. The radiation had reached my skin, and my melanocites were highly active. I couldnt control all the sweating. I knew I had to look for a shade or else the radiation would have surely killed me.
There was vegetation around. Strange looking, but vegetations nonetheless. Thorny, entangled, red-beady-seeds, and apparently highly adapted to the barren red soil it was growing on.
It seemed that the longer I avoided the radiation, the more steps I could make in the unknown desolates. I ventured on with my friends, conversating on and on about the amount of strange feces we had encountered along our path to the fruitfields.
Yes, this desolate land had to have something to offer. Amongst the thorny bushes called manambĂș there were strange fruit trees carrying orange fruits. Some carried yellow fruits. They vaguely resembled the citrus fruits on earth. But we couldnt be certain, so we drilled core samples and carried out the analysis. We discovered that they had a high concentration of H+, therefore, they were acidic. Some were more acidic than others. And there were also some that contained glucose, our much needed fuel, So we stored those in special containers we carried with us. The radiation of the yellow star the planet is orbiting became worse, so we concluded that the star must have been in zenith in conjunction with the planet we were on. The strange barren planet with strange vegetations.
We decided to move back towards home base. My body had been leaking fluids too much and needed to be replenished rapidly. On the way back we encounters strange lifeforms with calcified hairs on their heads, we assumed that they were responsible for the strange defecations we c came across. They made weird noises, we were afraid they were trying to scramble our communications array, so we ran.
This is not something that happened on a terrafied planet. This happened in the granja that surrounds my school. And we went orange picking. I just felt a little sci-fi because I found AVP2 on the server, so i'll be watching that shortly. Ciao maricones.
Fariz (as they say it here)
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