Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Habana, Habana and more Habana 9-16

That is obviously a statue of Alma Mater. She is spreading her arms (if she was spreading her legs it would have a very different meaning of welcome) to welcome the new minds to her death trap of studies. I currently have no idea who Alma Mater is, you can look it up yourself on wikipedia while you’re at it and lighten up my day.

This is a church in Miramar, the rich people section of cuba. As you drive on 5ta Avenida, you will realize why all the other buildings in vedado, centro and vieja look so old and dilapidated. Its because all the nice buildings, embassies and hotels are in Miramar. It is like driving through palm beach in Miami. It really is different, they even have good stores in Miramar.

This used to be the soviet union’s embassy. Nowadays its used as the Russian embassy. It is Huge. No doubt about it, they have 4 flights a week to Moscow. Da da, the daughter of the owner of a Casa Particular where my friends stayed at was-is studying in Moscow, isnt it funny?

The marti monument again. Its just so purrdy, and biiig and stuff. Its really nice for a national monument. Guess what, that’s a statue of José Martí again. Ugh you'll see this guy like everywhere.

Look at Che Guevarra. He even has his face on a building. I guess I should become a doctor, cure lepers and fight for the revolution of several countries before I get that done. Look at it this way, atleast that way the people will have something good to look at.

I was so hot and excited that I finally got my hands on real internet. Right after this picture was taken I realized that there was no MSN. What a cock-block. Oh the bitch on the picture is Louisa, my friend from Nauru.

Yep, that’s what we call some mean ass daikiris. That’s how they spell it here yes, I am not an idiot. But yes, they were amazing, and only 3 bucks a piece. Told you, it flows like water here.

That’s just me in a restaurant while I was waiting on my 2 dollar hamburger. Now THAT was one of the best burgers I have ever had in my entire life.

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