As we all may have noticed, I am no longer in ELAM 10, Rafael Ferro Macias. I am currently residing in COHAI, which is a big university complex, about 10-20 times bigger than my faculty if I am not mistaken, in the outskirts of La ciudad de La Habana. I am leaving on Friday, leaving finally after 7 cruel months. Today is Tuesday, lol, yessssshhhh, I will explain that a little bit later.
As I look out of the metal windows, I see it once again, the profile of the biggest buildings of Havana, the José Martà memorial statue, Habana Libre, all of them, almost the same sight as about 7 months ago, when I first arrived.
I am once again, In Transit.
I am taking a very small break, about one week, to sign-my-inheritance-that-was-supposedly-left-by-my-grandfather-who-died-about-a-month-ago. Noone knows this, but that’s a lie. Hahaha, and I feel so weird after putting this on the net, but I don’t care, the cuban government isn’t reading my blog.
This break that I have taken signifies a glitch in their almost perfect medical brainwash system which is very successful by the way. It broke me, yes, I have decided to do medicine after all. I do not know if its their cheap rum, near genetic perfection or just my weak mind. But yes, Cuba, has won. There were times in these past 7 months where I would have killed just to go back home and forget this whole experience ever happened to me. But look at me now, I am actually leaving, but I am not afraid, because I know I am coming back. I don’t know if that is what has been eating me up from the inside the last couple of days. The fact that I am leaving but knowing I am coming back.
My friends back at the faculty have all made a big bet, with amounts reaching up to 200 cuc, that I am not coming back. Fun to see this crisis has become a full fledged event in school. My departure. It was nice though, it started raining uncontrollably just as I was about to leave. Complete with the wind, and the water, my briefcase looked really heavy, and my black shirt was waving in the wind, and I left just as it was break time, so the whole school could see, that their fearless leader was leaving.
That was one of my top 100 attention whore moments, I have to admit.
So yes, why am I here, in a dilapidated room, for students and their guides (still not allowed to travel alone no, that is, towards the airport only). Why am I here in this huge building with even suckier bathrooms, bigger toilet-paper-bins (you know we cant flush our wipes right?, wipe and throw it in the bin in front of you….) and less interesting people?
Why on Tuesday if my flight leaves at 9 in the morning on Friday. Two big words explain it all: Cuban economics.
The thing was that I was about to be sent on Thursday afternoon with the school taxi towards the airport and that I had to wait there until boarding time the next day, which was perfectly fine with me, as I would be able to do all of my tests and presentations (oh yeah, did I forget to mention that I am in the middle of my test week right now?).
But no, it turns out that there was a group of about 12 professors that were leaving towards Matanzas for some kind of seminar. Matanzas is about 100 km to the east of La Habana, so since were coming from the west, they could drop me off. So the fuckers told me last afternoon, pack your shit, you’re leaving tomorrow. So I did, and here I am.
The Journey. Sigh. Notice la letra mayuscula? The capital letter? It was some journey yes. Much shorter than my other journeys towards the capital because this time it did not involve any walking, waiting for cabs, discussing cab fares or any of that shit. We had our own little minibus that was quite fast. So we reached in 3 hours. 3 very long hours. It was a new cuban experience for me. As soon as we left the schools, know what they did, they bought 3 bottles of rum, and started drinking it pure. By the time we reached Havana, they were done long time already. Woops, fragment consider revising alert, that was some Belizean English fi. Hahahha, I hang with them too much, it done fi bring dan mi English.
But yeah. So I joined in on the fun, no I never drank the rum, I bought myself and some of the female professors a beer, because they asked me.
So yeah, I called this article part II, because part I was written 7 months ago and should be on one of my blogs. It should be.
As I sit here, on my leg which-has-no-blood-circulating-through-it, listening to Mea Culpa by Enigma, in the dark of the air conditioned room because I am too lazy to turn on the light, trying not to fart because I had a killer masalla (curry for all you a-cultured barbarians) last night, I realize, that these will be a god-fucking-boring two days.
Hmmm, maybe we can co to the city tomorrow and spend the money that Kristin gave me to buy her an external HD. Hahaha
Look at the bright side, at least the room is air conditioned.
How funny, Lluvia Cae (rain falls) by Enrique Iglesias just started playing. Its still raining outside, as it has been the entire day.
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