Havana, Sunday August 23rd 2009
T-minus 7 hours and counting first of all, I just woke up and I dreamt that I found the perfect shirt to wear on the airplane.
I also dreamt that somehow I managed to open up my inbox somewhere and I had written many cool articles. I dont know why the hell I dream these things. As I was waking up I dreamt that I grabbed my phone and it said 4.29 PM. which is fucked up, because thats my check-in time.
My last entry is dated thursday. What did I do that thursday. Jesus and I went shopping and manwatching. if looking at girls is called birdwatching aka ornithology (right?) what do we call skeezing on guys??
We went shopping, I made chickend and we stayed in, again. Atleast I was happy, I made caipirinhas. I got drunk in the house again. i dont really remember what it is that I did, but I am pretty sure it involved lots of masturbating and new porn. I mean, damn, 37.2GB of new porn. That is nothing to joke about.
On friday, woke up late, as usual, and went down to jesus his room and he was connected to the internet! so as I took tips from him slutting himself out on the internet (well it was more like a mutual thing) the hours passed by. It was fridaynight so we were supposed to go out. Well was I wrong. He decided to
hook up with his buff friend and I decided I was going to go out by myself. Which I did. I went to the malecon and I just sat down next to this tranny, which was the only space left, I reached at about 10 PM at 1 in the morning heshe starts talking to me. hisher name is eric or something. Anyway, so heshe and her brother were hustlers. like everyone else on the malecon basically. so she was offering me her brother but I told them that I do not pay for sex, so we just settled on conversation. she introduced me to some of her other tranny friends and whatnot. At about 3.20AM I left for the busstop. Got on the wrong bus and ended up having to walk like 30 blocks. Which was fine, when I reached the corner of jesus' street I realized that it was a cruising area. and I was walking without a shirt. Who knew piercings reflected that much light. If the guys cruising were atleast hot I would have done some, but that wasnt the case so I just walked home, turned on the pc, and watched some more porn.
Enter saturday.
woke up at 2, went into jesus his room, and like weve done every day of the week since ive been here. we were slutting around on vanguardia, planetromeo, guerrillero and gmail. And before we knew it it was 7pm already so we got ready and left for the city. WE went to eat at the cafe in habana libre, I had spaghetti bolognese and he took the tiki chicken and pork with rice. Cool presentation, in a bamboo stem. Anyway, we then went to the malecon where we met David, no not the jamaican, david, the other brtish guy who makes a great great great conversation, there is no love interest there, david is 63 years old but still looks like 47 or something. we went to walk around for a bit and we met alexander the lawyer and his supercute boyfriend the italian. I never got his name, but omg he is cute. They are the definition of a swingers couple. They visit cuba like 2 times a year, stay for two weeks. they even rent seperate apartments so they can do whomever they bloody please. Its strange but I guess it works for them. After having met the british couple, Jesus, David and I went to the lesbian party. The lesbian party which is usually full of fags anyway. It was on 23 y 28 on the roof of a 5 story building. it was nice, although there wasnt as much excitement as usual. We went back to the malecon at around 2 in the morning. Now what did I do then. Right, I was plowing my way through all the italians that decided to visit cuba simultaneously. talked to some friends, but nothing exciting. I said goodbye to david and took his emailaddress and walked to the busstop with jesus. I was hyped up on beer, mojitos and red bull. Apparently it really does give you wings. and hightens your libido. We walked past the cruising area again, this time there was this tall black guy who took off his shirt so we could see his tattoo but he wasnt that attractive so we just walked home. I watched porn again and I woke up just now. End
Update at the airport